Rhodes Scholarship 2025 | Study In Uk

Rhodes Scholarship 2025 | Study In Uk

The Rhodes Scholarship 2025 is an unwavering commitment by Oxford University that grants talented postgraduate students from around the globe access to study there for free for an entire academic year. This prize provides ample support, financial and otherwise, so recipients are free to focus on advancing their studies without financial pressures from home countries or employers.

Applying for scholarships may seem complex and daunting at first, yet its success has inspired thousands of talented students worldwide to achieve greatness. At GSA Scholarships we welcome applications from gifted individuals from every nation on Earth!

Rhodes Scholars are students who come to the UK for two or more years for study and are eligible to enroll in most full-time postgraduate postgraduate programs through Oxford University.

The Rhodes Scholarships enable 103 international students from various parts of the globe to study free at Oxford for five years – making the University of Oxford Scholarship one of the longest-running and best-known scholarships awarded; its first Rhodes Award was granted here in 1902. As it’s a fully funded postgraduate award in the UK and operates as a full-time program, students applying must also enroll for this full-time course. Rhodes Scholarships through Oxford University of Oxford can be difficult to secure as numerous students around the globe qualify. Rhodes Scholarships provide a fantastic opportunity for individuals looking to excel in any of their chosen disciplines as they provide full funding for postgraduate classes offered through Oxford University and their postgraduate classes are fully covered by Rhodes. University of Oxford.

Postgraduate awards available in the UK offer scholars financial aid for two or three-year master’s, MPhil, or PhD programs; the Rhodes Scholarship in UK 2025 provides full-time academic study at Oxford University. Oxford offers international grants that cover tuition fees, visa fees and travel expenses as part of its postgraduate programs in England. These grants also come with other advantages that enhance an Oxford postgraduate experience such as career advice from mentors. International students looking to attend university in the UK without incurring costs have an outstanding opportunity available through Rhodes Scholarship 2025 available across nations. The Oxford Award aims to increase knowledge and understanding between England and developing world countries, so if you wish to apply, make sure that you read all documents associated with Oxford University Scholarship program before making your application for funding support by Oxford. University of Oxford.

Oxford is one of the world’s renowned and most esteemed universities, famous for its education as well as research and teaching programs. Oxford University holds third place on both lists – QS Global World Rankings and UK Top Ten Universities List. A vast international student body studies at Oxford, including over 3200 from China alone! Oxford University is an institution of diverse individuals from various cultures and religious traditions all working to make our planet better together. This report will outline eligibility criteria and benefits associated with applying for international Rhodes scholarships offered within the UK as well as provide information regarding applying to one.

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Rhodes Scholarship 2025 UK:


  • UK

Scholarship Type:

  • Fully Funded


  • All International

Rhodes Scholarship 2025 UK Benefits:

  • The Rhodes Scholarship covers Oxford University tuition fees as well as offering an annual stipend amounting to PS19,092, in 2025, stipend amount is PS1,591 each month; scholars use their allowance for living expenses including accommodation costs. Please be aware this sum won’t cover dependents/partner costs adequately.
  • The full conditions of tenure document outline which degrees may be combined and covered under this Scholarship as well as its duration – this depends on which course an applicant selects; up to three years’ expenses and stipend may be available if choosing Oxford as their location for DPhil (PhD) study, for instance.
  • If selected as a Rhodes Trust Scholar after completion of the selection process, their Scholarship covers the cost of applying to Oxford University/University of Oxford as well as paying any student visa and International Health Surcharge costs associated with accessing NHS. Furthermore, two economy class flights between beginning and finishing studies at Oxford are covered as well as additional flights as necessary by Rhodes Trust.
  • Once arriving in Oxford, Scholars receive an allowance to assist with settling in, while returning Scholars will also receive assistance with fees for renewing their visa and making another IHS application.

Rhodes Scholarship 2025 Eligibility Criteria:

  • Candidates for Rhodes Scholarship 2025 must come from specific countries. Furthermore, an outstanding academic history should also be demonstrated during application for Rhodes Scholarship 2025.
  • Students should obtain their bachelor’s degrees before July 20,2025 to be eligible. Nation of Origin requirements also play a factor; to see eligibility criteria simply select your country on this page.
    All applicants should possess an excellent command of English.

Application Procedure for Rhodes Scholarship 2025:

  • Candidates for Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford must first apply to be considered eligible before enrolling for courses of interest at Oxford. University of Oxford.
  • Applications selected to receive awards will need to submit applications using the University of Oxford Graduate Application forms with assistance from Rhodes House staff. Rhodes House.
    Candidates for the Rhodes Oxford Scholarship must submit an online application along with supporting documents. For further guidance about the application process and documentation needs, visit the Rhodes Oxford Scholarship’s website in your country/region of interest.
    Before applying, it is recommended to read all information available on the Rhodes Scholarship official website.
  • Before proceeding with your application for Rhodes Scholarships, take care to read through and understand all basic information before starting to submit them. This includes reviewing both the Terms of Reference for Rhodes Scholars as well as all details included within their applications as well as any requirements needed for graduate study at an appropriate University.
  • Find out the selection and application procedures in your region or country as these processes vary across nations. Shortlisted applicants will then be invited for social events as well as final interviews to be approved and made part of an incoming group.
  • 2025 Rhodes Scholarship will begin granting entries on October 20, 2025, at Oxford University (U.K). Applications should be sent in before this application deadline of 20 October.
  • For international students applying to the Rhodes Scholarship for international studies, the deadline to submit applications to their country-specific Rhodes scholarship programs is 1 August 2024; further information regarding your specific country’s deadline should be found here and on their official site.
  • Increase your odds of acceptance into an academic program through professional assistance.

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Application Deadline:

The Application deadline For Rhodes Scholarship 2025 is  1 August 2024.

Apply Now   Official Site:

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